

Working with your dog’s muscular and fascial system to identify and address soft tissue restrictions. From weekend warrior soreness to chronic muscle and facial pain, massage and fascial release techniques can help.



Dogs shift their weight when standing or walking to help compensate for a painful area; the other muscles of the body must now work harder to stabilize the body. When this happens not only are the other muscles compensating for a weakness, but skeletal alignment can also be affected. This compensation can cause additional muscle strain and complication in the fascial connective tissues resulting in pain and restricted movement. One common example of this is arthritis of the knees and or hips which puts added strain on the iliopsoas muscle and lumbar spine.



The Process


Massage sessions will start out with observation of your dog, their gait, muscle development, their stance and how they transition to the down and sit. Once they are comfortable, I will palpate, and muscle test based on the information gathered in the observation process. Massage strokes start off with light pressure to relax the dog, acupressure points are stimulated to promote relaxation. Pressure of the strokes gradually deepens to help Identify Myofascial Trigger Points, and to assess muscle tone. Muscle groups are worked using a variety of massage techniques based on the presenting issue. Relaxation strokes are used throughout the massage to prevent overworking areas that are sensitive for the dog. Dogs can be protective of painful areas; it takes time and a few sessions to build up trust with some dogs.



Any concerns about your animal companion’s health or condition needs to be addressed with your veterinarian. The modalities provided are not a replacement for veterinary care and do not provide diagnosis.



Reiki can be combined into your massage session or as a stand along session.